The Lobster C++ Implementation

This document gives hints on how to work with the Lobster C++ code in terms of building, extending, reusing, and compiling Lobster code to C++.

Lobster has been released under the Apache 2 open source license.

Building Lobster

Lobster uses recent C++17 features, so will need Visual Studio 2022 (the free community edition will do), latest Xcode, or a very recent GCC / Clang to be compiled.

Lobster uses OpenGL, SDL 2.x and FreeType, these are included in the repo, so should compile out of the box with no further external dependencies.

All source code and other files related to building Lobster for all platforms sit in the dev folder.

Lobster should be built for 64-bit platforms where possible. It will still also build on 32-bit Wasm & Android. This does not affect Lobster data type sizes, e.g. int and float types are 64-bit on all platforms.

Lobster can be built with a JIT (on desktop platforms, convenient during development, as it can run Lobster source "instantly"), or by compiling to C++ (possible on all platforms, required on non-desktop), see below.


Open up dev\lobster\lobster.sln with Visual Studio, and ensure Release mode is selected. The project is set up to build lobster.exe in the bin folder, and will be ready for use as described either from the command line or VS Code / SublimeText / Notepad++.

OS X (& iOS)

You need to first generate the Xcode project using CMake, run sh from the dev folder, to generate an Xcode project in the xcode-cmake sub-folder.

Open dev/xcode-cmake/Lobster.xcodeproj, ensure lobster > My Mac is selected as scheme in the top bar, Product -> Build for -> Profiling (to get a Release build), then close if no errors.

Alternatively from the terminal from the xcode-cmake folder:

xcodebuild -toolchain clang -configuration Release -target lobster

This results in a bin/lobster you can use.

To develop Lobster code on OS X, use the command line version. Many OS X editors support running a command line compiler, e.g. VSCode, SublimeText, or Komodo Edit with Tools -> Run Command.

How to turn a Lobster program into an App Bundle for distribution: TBD Need to see how to set this up using CMake. You'll likely want to produce a pak file (see command line) to make sticking this extra data in a bundle easier.

For iOS be sure to read how to compile to C++ below, since iOS doesn't support in Lobster's default JIT mode. How to make the above CMake project work for iOS: TBD.


You can build with CMake on Linux:

This requires a C++17 compiler, and the mesa dev files should be installed (apt-get install mesa-common-dev).

cd dev
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && make -j8

It creates bin/lobster. Run it to access the samples, e.g. bin/lobster samples/pythtree.lobster

Note the LOBSTER_ENGINE CMake option, which is by default on. You can turn this off to get a command-line only version of Lobster that does not depend on OpenGL, SDL, FreeType etc.


Make sure you have the latest Android Studio installed, and follow instructions to add the NDK

In Android Studio, use "Open" to open the dev/android-project dir. It may complain about not knowing where the NDK lives, either let it fix this automatically, or manually modify the path in

Using the desktop lobster exe, build your desired Lobster program using the --pak option, such that all assets end up in a single file (see below for more information). Place the result in dev/android-project/app/src/main/assets/default.lpak so it will automatically be picked up by the build process and added to the APK. Also compile your Lobster code to C++ as described below.

You should now be able to just press run. Wait for the build, and see it launch on an attached Android device. Note that Lobster requires a device that supports GLES 3.0 and Android version 4.3 (Jellybean). Emulators often do not support ES3, you'll see a shader compile error in logcat if this happens.

If there are errors running, check logcat.

Things to change if you want to release your app in the Google Play store (these instructions may be out of date):

WebAssembly / Emscripten

You need the Emscripten toolchain installed, as well as GNU make (on windows that means installing this).

Before you build, gather your lobster distribution files (see below) and place them in dev/emscripten/assets. They will be automatically picked up by the build process this way.

The Wasm implementation does not support the JIT, so you should first compile your .lobster code to C++, as described in the section "Compiling Lobster code to C++" below.

To build, go to dev/emscripten, and type make -j8. This should produce a lobster.[wasm|js|html|data] in the same directory (the latter containing whatever you placed in assets).

You can now run it with emrun --browser chrome lobster.html --verbose or if that doesn't work, emrun --no_browser lobster.html --verbose and manually navigate to http://localhost:6931/lobster.html?--verbose in your browser. Note that just loading up the html in your browser directly may not work because of security restrictions. Alternatively place all the generated files on a webserver, and load from there.

Distributing Lobster programs.

While the above instructions will build you the lobster executable, to distribute a Lobster program to others, you will need to distribution files. These must be (including correct paths):

Where you place these files depends on the platform, on Windows / Linux it is next to the lobster executable, on OS X / iOS it is the application bundle under Contents, on Android it’s under assets in the .apk, and with Emscripten there’s an assets directory also.

Compiling Lobster code to C++

Rather than directly executing with a JIT, Lobster can also be translated to C++, for a further speed boost. This is useful when releasing a shipping build to customers, but hopefully not necessary during development. It is necessary for building for mobile/web platforms.

With the --cpp option on the command-line, the compiler will generate dev/compiled_lobster/src/compiled_lobster.cpp (currently, you MUST compile it from the root of the repo, e.g. bin/lobster --cpp somepath/my.lobster, otherwise this will likely fail). This file contains a main() and is otherwise self-contained such that when you compile it with the build files for any platform (see instructions above) substituting it for the standard main.cpp, you’ll end up with an executable that runs only that specific program.

On Windows, there are project files in dev/compiled_lobster that will automatically pick up the compiled lobster code.

On Linux, building in dev like above, then instead cmake -DLOBSTER_TOCPP=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . will automatically substitute the compiled lobster main program. Build with make -j8 or similar.

For Emscripten, there's a cpp make target (which is the default).

Extending Lobster

Besides using Lobster as a stand-alone programming language as-is, there are 2 ways of extending Lobster, by adding your code to Lobster, or adding Lobster to your project.

Note that unlike other scripting languages, Lobster has been designed as a stand-alone language first, rather than a plug-in scripting system (more like Python and Ruby, not like Lua and UnrealScript). You use Lobster code as your "main program", with the "engine" being the library you call into. Most game engines are the opposite: the engine code is the main program, and the scripting language is being called into. For that reason, adding your own code to Lobster is by the far the preferable way of building an application that uses Lobster, and will generally be a much more productive environment.

The thinking here is that you use C++ purely to write performance critical code, which can usually be contained in libraries. For the non-performance critical code, which includes the general setup of your main program determining how things fit together, you are much better off using a friendlier language, like Lobster. It means that changing the structure of your project is much quicker, and it is easier to experiment with new game ideas based on your C++ libraries. Iterations in Lobster can be done more rapidly and more safely, often in less code, than C++.

Adding your code to Lobster

Depending on what you want to write, the current engine functionality of Lobster may not be sufficient. Lobster adds C++ functions to the language in a modular fashion, in the Visual Studio project you can see all things added to Lobster in 2 places:

You can always run Lobster with the --gen-builtins-html option to get an overview of all functions currently added to the system (the current list is here). To add/remove functionality is generally as easy as adding/removing the corresponding .cpp file.

Lobster uses some macros to allow you to define a native function in one location without declarations needed elsewhere. To learn how to write your own .cpp of native functions, best to start with a simple example, such as audio.cpp, then browse through more complex examples in builtin.cpp and graphics.cpp.

Here's a simple example of a Lobster extension:

#include "lobster/stdafx.h"

#include "lobster/natreg.h"

using namespace lobster;

void MyNativeOps(NativeRegistry &nfr) {

    nfr("add", "x,y", "II", "I",
        "Adds two integers.",
        [](StackPtr &, VM &, Value &x, Value &y) {
            return Value(x.ival() + y.ival());

    // more such declarations here

You'll need to become somewhat familiar with the Lobster internals to write these functions successfully, in particular with the Value type (see vmdata.h), which is a union of all possible lobster types. If you specify specific types (such as I for int, F for float, S for string, V for vector etc (more details in natreg.h), then the Value will already have been typechecked and guaranteed to be that type, such that you can directly access the component (e.g. .ival()) without checking the type (you'll get an assert if you get this wrong).

As you can see, even the help text is included in the declaration, so everything related to the function is in one location.

Important is dealing with memory management: by default, you borrow all arguments, meaning you're not supposed to keep a pointer to them after the function ends. If you return a value that was allocated (see e.g. VM::NewString) then the caller will own this value. This is typically what you want. If for whatever reason you want to hold on to a value, have a look at functions that do so, like push.

In designing your extension library, if you intend to add a lot of functions, it is a good idea to choose a namespace (similar to gl. for all the graphics functionality) to all your functions. Lobster uses _ for namespacing also in the language. The burden on making sure there are no name clashes is on the programmer integrating new libraries (you will get an assert if 2 names ever clash).

Now from your main program, you'll need to call RegisterBuiltin(nfr, "name", MyNativeOps) or similar before you invoke the Lobster compiler, such that these new functions are available during all compiler passes.

You can add the above file to whatever build system you're using, but that may involve modifying the Lobster project files which you may not want to do. Instead, if your extension is small enough to sit in a header file, you can make use of the automatic inclusion of projects/include/lobster_engine_plugins.h (see comments in engine.cpp) which will then automatically be picked up as part of any Lobster build.

Adding Lobster to your project

This should still be fairly easy, as Lobster was made to be fairly modular, but is a bit more work than above. I will strive to make this path easier in the future.

With the CMake project, this is easy, as all LOBSTER_ENGINE=OFF will get you a Lobster build without the built-in engine, the result you can add to your own projects. You'll likely want to replace main.cpp with something that runs Lobster from your own code.

Similarly, in the visual studio project, there is the language project, which is what you'd want to include in your own projects, and the engine project which you are replacing. Finally there's again main.cpp to adapt.

Some of Lobster relies on its own math library (geom.h), but it should be very easy to make convenient functions to convert Lobster vectors into your own math types (you could wrap around the ToValue and ValueTo functions).